
Hello everyone!

I will be talking about schizophrenia, a mental disorder with A LOT of stigma and controversy attached to it. Which is why I think it's important to raise awareness about this.


Schizophrenia is characterised by fundamental distortions in thinking and perception. There are three main categories for symptoms:

1)    Positive symptoms: for example
-      Hallucinations (perceiving stimuli when it is actually absent) – these are normally auditory (e.g. hearing voices)
-      Delusions – these are false and irrational beliefs (e.g. believing that someone is out to get you)
-      Failure to accept symptoms aren’t real

2)    Negative symptoms: for example
-      Social withdrawal
-      Lack of energy
-      Demotivation
-      Anhedonia (not being able to experience pleasure from usually pleasurable activities)

3)    Thought disorder – manifests in bizarre, incoherent and distorted speech and communication

As with many mental disorders, there is no complete physical or lab diagnosis that can be made for schizophrenia. Judgments are made based on observations and clinical symptoms.

Sufferers can often feel lonely as they don't receive the love and support they need

In the past, schizophrenia sufferers were treated in disgraceful manners:
-      Exorcism - believing they are possessed by demons: drilling holes in the skull, blood-letting
-      Attempting to ‘reset’ the brain: spinning, shock, frontal lobotomy
-      Keeping them locked away: chained down in dark rooms 

Thankfully, there is progress in understanding and treating the disorder. Although, it still sickens me to think someone who is going through a mental illness can be treated in such an inhumane way..

Causes (I will only briefly mention some of these):
-      Excessive dopamine activity: dopamine is a neurotransmitter (chemical in the brain) and high activity of this is associated with symptoms.

-      Genes: it is not completely genetic, but some genetic predisposition has been found - 40% concordance rate between monozygotic twins.

-      Substance abuse: early use of cannabis has been linked with schizophrenic symptoms. Amphetamine abuse can cause a condition called ‘amphetamine-psychosis’ producing producing paranoia, delusions and hallucinations. The drug causes an increase in dopamine levels by promoting its release and preventing reuptake (in the synapse).

-      Psychosocial factors: being from lower socio-economic groups and experiencing long term life stress have been associated with developing schizophrenia later in life.

Most people suffering from schizophrenia will be attempted to be treated by antipsychotic drugs. These are generally very effective, but can often be used in conjunction with a form of psychological therapy. Electro-convulsive therapy (shock therapy) used to be used in the past, but its effectiveness is low and there are many other factors (e.g. high relapse rate, memory loss) that have resulted in it NOT being a method of treatment for the disorder.

Schizophrenia is manageable/ treatable and research has shown that support and care from loved ones can highly aid the recovery of patients, and prevent relapse too. 

Schizophrenia sufferers should not be classed as ‘mad’ – they are going through a terrible ordeal and for people to be less judgmental and understanding would make things more bearable for them. I always like to remember that anyone can go through a mental illness (including ourselves) so we should treat people the way we would like to be treated.

Take lots of care,
Ayesha xxx

MOOC's! Free education online


Today I wanted to introduce to you "MOOC's" - massive open online courses. What's that? They are short (non-credit) online courses available in a variety of different subjects which anyone can take. 

I think they're an excellent opportunity for many reasons:
1) look good to employers/uni's
2) broadens knowledge on subject area
3) provides insight in a subject area you want to explore before actually going into it - helping you make a career choice
4) can act as a prerequisite before starting uni 
5) great for people who are not able to get the education they want
6) easy to manage with other daily activities
7) it's distance learning - can study from the comfort of your own home

So here's the useful part.. the websites which you can take these courses on. I've found that there are actually a lot of websites that offer such courses but I've only explored and liked three of the main ones. All three offer courses from leading universities worldwide.

The courses vary on difficulty; while most are great for complete novices in the subject, others may require you to have some background knowledge. Some may be of a higher level that graduates may be better at, whereas some can be introductory. Some courses require more work hours on course material per week and are challenging. Either way, anyone is free to sign up to any and as many of these courses as the wish. 

I have personally taken a course myself, as after graduation I was still interested in furthering my understanding in Psychology (I'm just a big geek really). I took mine on Coursera delivered by Johns Hopkins University. I signed up for ID verification which meant that on successful completion I would get a certificate from the uni and have my ID verified to prove it was in fact I that took the course! But, for this you need to pay a fee, otherwise you only get a statement of accomplishment instead of a certificate and ID verification). The course itself was still free.

I really wanted to share this as not many people know about this.. I only found out about 6 months ago myself! It's such a great opportunity for anyone, so I hope some of you can benefit from this. If you're looking to start university soon it might be useful to take a look at the courses they offer related to your subject, as it might give you a head start for your degree course. All courses are short, from few weeks to maybe a few a months max.

Take lots of care!
Ayesha xxx